The Association created this Ranking System, the objectives of which are:
1. To promote the development of traditional Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan in Malaysia;
2. Upgrade the technique and theory level ;
3. Set up standard training, advancement , standard transmission system
4. access the proficiency and regulate requirements for authorising instructors

Specifications for Each Rank

1. Entry Level Test
Individuals who have practiced Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan must be above 8 years or older, achieve a score of at least 7 in the entry test of Yang Tai Chi 16 Forms, and receive teaching in the moral code in order to enter the ranking system.
2. Rank One (Green Tai Chi Yin Yang Insignia)
Individuals who have practiced Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan for at least one year after passing the entry test , achieve at least 7.5 points in the prescribed test of Traditional Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan; achieve a score of at least 60 points in the first level written test of history and theory, observe the moral code of martial arts may apply to advance to Rank One.
3. Rank Two (Yellow Tai Chi Yin Yang Insignia)
Individuals who have practiced Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan at least one year after attaining Rank One, achieve at least 8 points in the prescribed test of Traditional Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan; achieve a score of at least 65 points in the second level written test of history and theory, observe the moral code of martial arts may apply to advance to Rank Two.
4. Rank Three (Brown Tai Chi Yin Yang Insignia)
Individuals who have practiced Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan at least one year after attaining Rank Two, achieve at least 8.3 points in the prescribed test of Traditional Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan and a score of least 8.0 in the test of either the Sword or Sabre Form; achieve a score of at least 70 points in the third level written test of history and theory, observe the moral code of martial arts may apply to advance to Rank Three.
5. Rank Four (Blue Tai Chi Yin Yang Insignia)
Individuals who have practiced Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan at least two years after attaining Rank Three, achieve a combined score of at least 34.4 points (and no score below 8.3 )in the prescribed test of Traditional Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan, Sword, Sabre and Push Hand ; achieve a score of at least 75 points in the fourth level written test of history and theory; observe the moral code of martial arts may apply to advance to Rank Four.
6. Rank Five (Purple Tai Chi Yin Yang Insignia)
Individuals who have practiced Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan at least two years after attaining Rank Four, achieve a combined score of at least 35.2 points (and no score below 8.3 )in the prescribed test of Traditional Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan, Sword ,Sabre Form and Push Hand; achieve a score of at least 80 points in the fifth level written test of history and theory, observe the moral code of martial arts may apply to advance to Rank Five.
7. Rank Six (Red Tai Chi Yin Yang Insignia)
Individuals who have practiced Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan at least two years after attaining Rank Five, achieve a combined score of at least 36 points (and no score below 8.3 )in the prescribed test of Traditional Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan, Sword ,Sabre Form and Push Hand; achieve a score of at least 85 points in the six level written test of history and theory, observe the moral code of martial arts may apply to advance to Rank Six.
8. Rank Seven (Copper Tai Chi Yin Yang Insignia)
Individuals who have practiced Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan at least six years after attaining Rank six. Individuals who have achieve a certain level of success, influence or recognition in work, research, and writing or publishing in martial arts theory, and who have a high level of martial arts virtue may apply to advance to Rank Seven.
9. Rank Eight (Silver Tai Chi Yin Yang Insignia)
Individuals who have practiced Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan at least five years after attaining Rank seven. Individuals who have achieve a certain level of success, influence or recognition in work, research, and writing or publishing in martial arts theory, have contributed significantly to the development of Traditional Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan, a and who have a high level of martial virtue may apply to advance to Rank Eight.
10. Rank Nine (Gold Tai Chi Yin Yang Insignia)
After attaining Rank Eight, individuals who have achieved a great level of success and have substantial influence, by means of work, research, and writing in martial arts theory, have contributed greatly to the development of Traditional Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan, and whose influence is large, and who have a high level of martial virtue may apply to advance to Rank Nine.

Method of Testing

  1. Individuals who observes martial arts virtue, interested in martial art, have relevant Tai Chi training, practice and theory, may apply for ranking test.
  2. Complete the Ranking application form, submit to the Association's Ranking Committee.
  3. The Association's Ranking Committee shall arrange ranking training course for applicants of Rank one, two and three; fixes the date of test and award the ranks accordingly.
  4. The Association's Ranking Committee may conduct ranking test and award accordingly for Rank 4-9 as and when is necessary.

Method of Testing

All certificates, clothing and insignia will be designed by The Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan Association of Malaysia.

Tai Chi Ying Yang Insignia

Rank One
(Green Colour)
Rank Two
(Yellow Colour)
Rank Three
(Brown colour)
Rank Four
(Blue Colour)
Rank Five
(Purple Colour)
Rank Six
(Red Colour)
Rank Seven
(Copper Colour)
Rank Eight
(Silver Colour)
Rank Nine
(Gold Colour)
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Dear Members

1. YTC SJ : We are very happy to announce that MBSJ has approved long term rental of fully air conditioned Dewan Serbaguna SS15/4 (full hall) to us for Tai Chi activities from July 2022 onwards on every Tuesday, 8.00pm to 10.00 pm. The details of Dewan SS15/4 are as follows:

1.1 Address: Dewan SS15/4, Jalan SS 15/4, Subang Jaya, Selangor, next to Subang Jaya wet Market, ample parking lots, many restaurants, food stalls and food trucks…

1.2 Spacious full hall with 4 badminton courts areas, fully air-conditioned, is very ideal for practising Tai Chi. For the benefits of all members, we plan to focus our training facilities into 4 categories as follows:

(a) Senior/veteran members: They come to practise and revise their Tai Chi forms & skill, fostering friendship among members, enjoying the Tai Chi relaxing movements, gathering the momentum of group Chi magnetic field for their health and longevities under this unique environment. 

(b) Young and enthusiastic members: who want to pursuit the art and philosophy of Tai Chi for further enhancement; devoted to promote this art for the health and happiness of mankind; especially for the people of all races around Subang Jaya and adjacent areas.

(c) Beginners: health conscious members just starting to learn take action for their future wealth-HEALTH.

(d) Practitioner/Researcher: members who have achieved the higher level of practice and training; further advancing to the ultimate ends of Wu Chi.

1.3 We cordially Invite all existing and future members, friends, brothers and sisters, come forwards to fully make use of this golden opportunities and excellent facilities given by MBSJ & YTC Malaysia, making Subang Jaya a Tai Chi and health city.


1. 马来西亚杨氏太极拳培训中心 –梳邦(YTCSJ)很高兴的宣布梳邦再也市议会已批准长期租借 SS15 区全座冷气礼堂作为我们太极活动场地。 日期为每星期二晚上 8 时至 10 时。

1.1 地址:Dewan SS15/4, Jalan SS 15/4, Subang Jaya, Selangor,大巴刹隔邻,很多停车位,餐馆, 餐车及其他便利, 非常热闹。

1.2 我们计划将这面积有四个羽球场大的礼堂给会员们安排下列的活动:
(a) 乐龄/熟练的会员们: 欢迎回来锻炼太极拳,重温友情,接收众人齐练所产生特别磁场的效果。强身健体,延年益寿!
(b) 年轻热心的会员们: 希望进修太极拳的哲理与拳艺,有心献身发扬太极拳,促进人类健康; 尤其住在梳邦再也附近的居民。
(c) 初学者:有保健意志的会员们开始累积他们将来的财富-健康就是财富!
(d) 太极拳爱好者/研究者:已有所成就,追求终极的无形无相,无为无我

1.3 我们热烈邀请所有的会员们,未来参与者,朋友们,兄弟姐妹们,利用MBSJ/YTCSJ 所安排的黄金及利好的机会, 大家前来支持这任务-将梳邦转变成健康太极之市!