Dato Lim Chiew Ah (DSPN) Founder President
1970Initially learned Tai Chi Chuan from Master Huang Sheng Shyang (黄性賢)in 1970. Later she learned from Grandmaster Yang Zhen Duo (楊振鐸宗師)and many other Tai Chi Masters from China.
1972Won the Gold Medal Award in Traditional Tai Chi Chuan at Shanghai Wushu Expo.
2002Dato Lim was accepted as the first batch of disciples by Grandmaster Yang ZhenDuo.
She was elected Deputy President of Selangor and Federal Territory Wushu Association.
2003Awarded OCM Women & Sports award.
2005Awarded Outstanding Sports Women Award organised by Kwang Hwa Daily.
2006Set up Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan Association of Malaysia as Founder President.
2012She was conferred Dato DSPN title by Head of Penang State.
Currently she is the President of Federation of Hainan Association Malaysia
Master Sim Eng Ker (FCCA, ACIS) – Founder Secretary General
1970Started studying Tai Chi Chuan with Master Huang Sheng Shyang (黄性賢) in 1970. Later he learned from Grandmaster Yang Zhenduo (楊振鐸宗師)and many other Tai Chi Masters from China.
1987Master Sim introduced Tai Chi Chuan to the Ministry of Youth & Sports Malaysia. For many years he participated in organising National Tai Chi Tournaments, conducted training programs for both Tai Chi instructors and judges.
He was invited by TV1 Malaysia to teach and demonstrate Tai Chi on a TV morning Health Program ( Gerak Sihat) for 3 years. He was also invited to teach Tai Chi in mosques and to share Tai Chi as a health program with all races.
2006Together with Datuk Lim Chiew Ah, Master Sim set up Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan Association Of Malaysia as Founder Secretary General.
2009He was appointed Judge of the Hong Kong Wushu Festival 2009
2011Appointed as Center Director of Yang Chengfu Tai Chi Chuan Center Malaysia.
Organised many Tai Chi cultural visits and exchange to China – visits to Grandmaster Yang Zhenduo, Tai Chi birth place in Yong Nian and participate in World Tai Chi Tournaments organised in China. Presently Master Sim is dedicated in furthering the development of Yang Tai Chi Chuan in Malaysia.

TV 1 Tai Chi Demonstrations

Sharing Tai Chi with all races

Sim Eng Ker(Left) & Master Huang Sheng Shyang(right) Introduce Tai Chi to government Sports Club and Ministry of Youth & Sports

In response to Grandmaster Yang Zhenduo’s advice that spreading and training of Tai Chi must be standardized and formalized, Dato Lim Chiew Ah and Master Sim Eng Ker established Yang Tai Chi Training Center on 11 September, 2015 for this purposes.
A systematic and standardized Tai Chi training syllabus was established and implemented; relevant training courses have been conducted regularly; instructors and judges were trained and accessed accordingly. Ranking System has nine (9) categories, from rank one to nine. Since year 2015 until now, ranking tests have been conducted regularly and many eligible candidates have been awarded accordingly.
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Dear Members

1. YTC SJ : We are very happy to announce that MBSJ has approved long term rental of fully air conditioned Dewan Serbaguna SS15/4 (full hall) to us for Tai Chi activities from July 2022 onwards on every Tuesday, 8.00pm to 10.00 pm. The details of Dewan SS15/4 are as follows:

1.1 Address: Dewan SS15/4, Jalan SS 15/4, Subang Jaya, Selangor, next to Subang Jaya wet Market, ample parking lots, many restaurants, food stalls and food trucks…

1.2 Spacious full hall with 4 badminton courts areas, fully air-conditioned, is very ideal for practising Tai Chi. For the benefits of all members, we plan to focus our training facilities into 4 categories as follows:

(a) Senior/veteran members: They come to practise and revise their Tai Chi forms & skill, fostering friendship among members, enjoying the Tai Chi relaxing movements, gathering the momentum of group Chi magnetic field for their health and longevities under this unique environment. 

(b) Young and enthusiastic members: who want to pursuit the art and philosophy of Tai Chi for further enhancement; devoted to promote this art for the health and happiness of mankind; especially for the people of all races around Subang Jaya and adjacent areas.

(c) Beginners: health conscious members just starting to learn take action for their future wealth-HEALTH.

(d) Practitioner/Researcher: members who have achieved the higher level of practice and training; further advancing to the ultimate ends of Wu Chi.

1.3 We cordially Invite all existing and future members, friends, brothers and sisters, come forwards to fully make use of this golden opportunities and excellent facilities given by MBSJ & YTC Malaysia, making Subang Jaya a Tai Chi and health city.


1. 马来西亚杨氏太极拳培训中心 –梳邦(YTCSJ)很高兴的宣布梳邦再也市议会已批准长期租借 SS15 区全座冷气礼堂作为我们太极活动场地。 日期为每星期二晚上 8 时至 10 时。

1.1 地址:Dewan SS15/4, Jalan SS 15/4, Subang Jaya, Selangor,大巴刹隔邻,很多停车位,餐馆, 餐车及其他便利, 非常热闹。

1.2 我们计划将这面积有四个羽球场大的礼堂给会员们安排下列的活动:
(a) 乐龄/熟练的会员们: 欢迎回来锻炼太极拳,重温友情,接收众人齐练所产生特别磁场的效果。强身健体,延年益寿!
(b) 年轻热心的会员们: 希望进修太极拳的哲理与拳艺,有心献身发扬太极拳,促进人类健康; 尤其住在梳邦再也附近的居民。
(c) 初学者:有保健意志的会员们开始累积他们将来的财富-健康就是财富!
(d) 太极拳爱好者/研究者:已有所成就,追求终极的无形无相,无为无我

1.3 我们热烈邀请所有的会员们,未来参与者,朋友们,兄弟姐妹们,利用MBSJ/YTCSJ 所安排的黄金及利好的机会, 大家前来支持这任务-将梳邦转变成健康太极之市!