Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan Association of Malaysia was officially formed in 2006 as a non profit organisation dedicated to the teachings and promotions of traditional Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan, Tai Chi sword, sabre and push hands.

Dato Lim Chiew Ah DSPN
Founder President

Sim Eng Ker FCCA, ACIS
Founder Secretary General

Development of Tai Chi Chuan and  Establishment of  The Association  in Malaysia

Grand Master Yang Lu Chan (楊露禪) the founder of  Yang Tai Chi Chuan perfected the Yang  family Tai Chi Chuan and his grandson Master Yang Cheng Fu (楊澄甫) set the standard form of Tai Chi Chuan. Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan become  popular in China and was later spread throughout the  world.

During the early day  in 1926, merchants and street medicine sellers from China introduced Chinese kungfu and Tai Chi Chuan into Malaysia. However The teachings of Tai Chi were done in a smaller scale.

From 1929 onwards, the Chin Wu Association (精武會) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia  promoted Wushu (武術) and other sports activities. Famous Wushu and Tai Chi masters, including the students of Chen Wei Ming (陳微明), Lin Bo Yan (林伯炎) and Tung Yin Kit (董英杰) were brought In from China to teach at Chin Wu Association and its branches throughout Malaysia.

In 1957, Chen Man Ching (鄭曼青) and his students Huang Sheng Shyuan (黄性賢) and Ye Xiu Ting (葉秀挺) came to Malaysia, spreading Tai Chi in Sarawak , Sabah, Kuala Lumpur, Pahang, Negeri Seremban, Malacca, whilst Ye Xiu Ting taught in northern peninsular Penang and Thailand.

In 2003 Grand Master Yang Zhengduo (Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan 4th Generation Grandmaster) visited Malaysia, Many Yang Style Tai Chi groups land Association expressed to him their interests to form a parent body. As a result of this Dato Lim Chiew Ah, disciple of Grand master Yang Zhenduo, Sim Eng Ker and others set up Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan Association of Malaysia in2006.


1. 马来西亚杨式太极拳总会是在中国杨家太极拳嫡传人杨振铎宗师於 2003 年 11 月莅临马来西亚访问,讲课及巡视杨氏太极拳团体后催生了马来西亚杨式太极拳总会的创立。

2. 杨老师也以“太极一家人“的精神,鼓励杨氏太极拳同道及子弟大家保持联络, 团结起来,不分种族, 把杨氏太极拳在世界发扬光大。

3. 在杨宗师入室弟子林秋雅,当地杨氏太极拳爱好者及组织人如沈永居,陈金来等选出组委会於 2006 年 8 月 24 日成功注册为马来西亚杨式太极拳总会.目前在马来西亚全国各地共有 29 个附属杨式太极拳团体,会员人数超过两万余人。杨振铎宗师为永久荣誉会长,创会会长拿督林秋雅, 秘书长沈永居。

4. 总会组织将以”天下太极是一家”为经,“尊师重道, 饮水思源” 为纬. 广纳太极宗师,名家, 纪念太极前辈, 提拔后来.共同来弘扬中华文化, 太极精神!

5. 总会的主要大型活动如下:

5.1 2007 年 10 月于吉隆坡成功主办世界太极健康大会, 并邀请当代世界太极五大门派 陈、杨、吴、武、孙名家杨振铎,朱天才, 马海龙,吴文翰及孙永田诸位老师出席於独立广场开幕大会,表演示范各派太极拳,见证千人太极大汇演。 并在礼堂讲课,场面非常热烈,席位爆满。

5.2 2014 年 9 月, 成功举办杨氏第五代掌门人杨军老师太极讲座会,吸引全国百余太极爱好者参与。

5.3 为了使杨氏太极拳在马来西亚能在一个有系统及规范化的环境下持续发展及传承,按照本国国情,於 2016 年设立马来西亚杨氏太极拳培训中心。建立段位考试制度,积极培训教练,裁判。定期主办考试,讲座会,鼓励参与国内外各项太极活动,保持与中国有关太极拳学术界组织团体联系交流, 提高教学水平。并已成功举办段位考试,培养出各级人才;现已有四百余人参与此计划。

6. 地址:

Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan Association of Malaysia
2C, Jalan PJS 1/31
Taman Petaling Utama
46000 Petaling Jaya

Sim Eng Ker
2, Jalan SS 17/1E
47500 Subang Jaya

电话:603-56116238 手机:6012-2389481
电邮:[email protected]
面子书: taichi2u

2018 年 6 月 23 日


Introduction of Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan

Association of Malaysia

1. Yang family Tai Chi Chuan 4th generation lineal descendant Grand Master Yang Zhenduo visited Malaysia in November, 2003, giving a series of talks and visiting various Yang Tai Chi organizations. He motivated the forming of Yang Tai Chi Association of Malaysia.

2. Grandmaster Yang promoted the spirit of “Tai Chi One Family”, encouraging all Yang Tai Chi practitioners and all races to unite together and develop Tai Chi in Malaysia and the world.

3. Dato Lim Chiew Ah, Inner disciple of Grandmaster Yang Zhenduo, together with Sim Eng Ker and Chin Kim Loy, local Tai Chi practitioners and developers , successfully registered and established Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan Association of Malaysia on 24th August, 2006. The Association now have 29 affiliated entities with members exceeding 20 thousands. Grandmaster Yang Zhenduo is the Life Honorary President, Founder President Dato Lim Chiew Ah DSPN, founder Secretary General Sim Eng Ker FCCA, ACIS.

4. The motto of Association includes “All Tai Chi Are One Family” :
“Respect Your Teachers and Uphold Morality” ; “Drink Water and Think of its Sources”. All these form the mission of the Association. We will continue to welcome and respect with honour and gratitude all Tai Chi grandmaster, experts and practitioners, remembering all our Tai Chi predecessors; promoting, encouraging and supporting the younger generation. Together we share the Chinese culture and Tai Chi spirits!

5. Major activities of the Association include the following:

5.1 successfully organized The Word Tai Chi And Health Convention 2017 in Kuala Lumpur in October, 2017. The contemporary world five main Tai Chi groups grandmasters from Chen, Yang, Wu, Wu and Sun , including Yang Zhenduo, Chu Tian Cai, Wu Wen Han, Ma Hai Long and Sun Yong Tian .They witnessed the grand opening of World Tai Chi and Health Convention with over thousand of Tai Chi members performing Tai Chi at Dataran Merdeka Kuala Lumpur; demonstrating respective Tai Chi Chuan and giving talks to seven hundred audience in Hall.

5.2 In September, 2014, successfully organized 5th generation Grandmaster Yang Jun Seminar in Subang Jaya, attracting hundred over participants from all Malaysia.

5.3 In order to further develop Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan under a systematic and programmed syllabus way of training in Malaysian environment and condition. Yang Tai Chi Training Center was established with complete systematic ranking rule and regulations;regular holding examinations, upgrading instructors and judges training courses and seminars; and improving teaching standard and technique, conducting ranking events to qualify competent members and exchanging knowledge and ideas with oversea counterparts. Currently there are 400 over members participating under this program.

6. Address:

Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan Association of Malaysia
2C, Jalan PJS 1/31
Taman Petaling Utama
46000 Petaling Jaya

Correspondence Address:
Sim Eng Ker
2, Jalan SS 17/1E
47500 Subang Jaya

Tel:603-56116238 Hand Phone:6012-2389481
Email:[email protected]
面子书: taichi2u


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Dear Members

1. YTC SJ : We are very happy to announce that MBSJ has approved long term rental of fully air conditioned Dewan Serbaguna SS15/4 (full hall) to us for Tai Chi activities from July 2022 onwards on every Tuesday, 8.00pm to 10.00 pm. The details of Dewan SS15/4 are as follows:

1.1 Address: Dewan SS15/4, Jalan SS 15/4, Subang Jaya, Selangor, next to Subang Jaya wet Market, ample parking lots, many restaurants, food stalls and food trucks…

1.2 Spacious full hall with 4 badminton courts areas, fully air-conditioned, is very ideal for practising Tai Chi. For the benefits of all members, we plan to focus our training facilities into 4 categories as follows:

(a) Senior/veteran members: They come to practise and revise their Tai Chi forms & skill, fostering friendship among members, enjoying the Tai Chi relaxing movements, gathering the momentum of group Chi magnetic field for their health and longevities under this unique environment. 

(b) Young and enthusiastic members: who want to pursuit the art and philosophy of Tai Chi for further enhancement; devoted to promote this art for the health and happiness of mankind; especially for the people of all races around Subang Jaya and adjacent areas.

(c) Beginners: health conscious members just starting to learn take action for their future wealth-HEALTH.

(d) Practitioner/Researcher: members who have achieved the higher level of practice and training; further advancing to the ultimate ends of Wu Chi.

1.3 We cordially Invite all existing and future members, friends, brothers and sisters, come forwards to fully make use of this golden opportunities and excellent facilities given by MBSJ & YTC Malaysia, making Subang Jaya a Tai Chi and health city.


1. 马来西亚杨氏太极拳培训中心 –梳邦(YTCSJ)很高兴的宣布梳邦再也市议会已批准长期租借 SS15 区全座冷气礼堂作为我们太极活动场地。 日期为每星期二晚上 8 时至 10 时。

1.1 地址:Dewan SS15/4, Jalan SS 15/4, Subang Jaya, Selangor,大巴刹隔邻,很多停车位,餐馆, 餐车及其他便利, 非常热闹。

1.2 我们计划将这面积有四个羽球场大的礼堂给会员们安排下列的活动:
(a) 乐龄/熟练的会员们: 欢迎回来锻炼太极拳,重温友情,接收众人齐练所产生特别磁场的效果。强身健体,延年益寿!
(b) 年轻热心的会员们: 希望进修太极拳的哲理与拳艺,有心献身发扬太极拳,促进人类健康; 尤其住在梳邦再也附近的居民。
(c) 初学者:有保健意志的会员们开始累积他们将来的财富-健康就是财富!
(d) 太极拳爱好者/研究者:已有所成就,追求终极的无形无相,无为无我

1.3 我们热烈邀请所有的会员们,未来参与者,朋友们,兄弟姐妹们,利用MBSJ/YTCSJ 所安排的黄金及利好的机会, 大家前来支持这任务-将梳邦转变成健康太极之市!